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Reduce Kitchen Costs with Twelve Frugal Tips The kitchen is often the center of the household and so it makes sense to look at your expenses in the kitchen when you want to save money. Much of family life occurs in the kitchen. It is where a lot of living takes place and a lot of eating takes place. Advertisers know that appealing to basic needs such as family and food is a great way to increase sales. As a result, the kitchen is also a great place to cut

Gifts Made in the Kitchen This collection of recipes and tips show how to create personal Christmas gifts made in the kitchen and how to wrap them in extra special ways. According to author GeorgeAnne, Brennan, part of the fun of making gifts from the kitchen is in deciding how to present them and what to write on the gift tags describing what the package contains in unique ways. In Christmas Gifts from the Kitchen, she provides recipes that even the most inexperienced cook can make with packaging that fit

Homemade Cranberry Chutney is an Easy, Cheap, and Elegant Offering The best thing about this present is that when making it at home, you can stretch ingredients to double, triple, or quadruple your recipe, making it one day, gifts that will cover dozens of lucky recipients, including relatives, bus drivers, teachers, neighbors, coworkers, helpers and all who deserve a few thanks. Save money this holiday season by making a sensible and delicious homemade Cranberry Chutney. If you’re not familiar with chutney, it’s a fruit-relish type condiment that pairs sweet and

Is it possible to have a kitchen that’s both clean and green? Doing away with chemical-filled, often toxic, commercial cleansers is easier than you think. Kitchen Cleaning Guide So toss out those spray bottles and spray cans under your kitchen sink, and stock up on these natural cleaning alternatives: VinegarKeep a refillable spray bottle of white vinegar on your kitchen counter to use as an all-purpose cleaner. Vinegar Vinegar is mildly acidic, so it wipes away grease, soap, mineral deposits, mildew, and more. For tougher scrubbing jobs, mix vinegar with

Save Money, Help the Environment by Choosing to Use Cloth Many people have already taken the commonly suggested tips to replace their light bulbs with compact fluorescents and lower their thermostats in the winter. They are keeping their car tires properly inflated and unplugging small appliances when not in use. They are ready for the next step toward a more eco-friendly home. Eliminating disposable paper products and going to an all-cloth kitchen may just be the next step toward living a greener life.

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