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Looking out the kitchen window I see an unusual sight, my cat, Muffin, sitting on the bird feeder. I open the window, bring him in, and give him a gentle scolding. He quickly runs out of the room. I open the window and spread around the wild bird seed I have purchased at the local variety store.

A Stove Exhaust Fan and Duct Rids the Cooking Area of Smoke, Grease This article explains installing the kitchen range hood vent, not wiring it. Consult the manufacturer’s instructions and the local electrical building code to determine the proper wiring method for the unit. In the building code, it may be listed under “duct systems”. This type of exhaust fan removes cooking odors, smoke, and air-borne grease from the kitchen in the same fashion that a bathroom exhaust fan removes moisture.

A Low Maintenance Design To Make Kitchen Cleaning Quick & Easy Any kitchen will need cleaning every day that it is used but some kitchens look clean and others look grubby irrespective of hygiene. Here are tips to design a new kitchen that will look clean and be easy to maintain.

The Hidden Powers of the Common Kitchen Herb When people think of herbs and spices, they often think of the herbs and spices they typically use for cooking. But when considering taking herb for medicinal purposes, they often reach for the exotic herbs and supplements that they find at the health food store. While finding herbs at the health food store is perfectly acceptable, they can be expensive. Using kitchen herbs for medicine is both highly accessible and affordable. Some of the best remedies come from our own kitchens and

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