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Looking out the kitchen window I see an unusual sight, my cat, Muffin, sitting on the bird feeder. I open the window, bring him in, and give him a gentle scolding. He quickly runs out of the room. I open the window and spread around the wild bird seed I have purchased at the local variety store.

A Low Maintenance Design To Make Kitchen Cleaning Quick & Easy Any kitchen will need cleaning every day that it is used but some kitchens look clean and others look grubby irrespective of hygiene. Here are tips to design a new kitchen that will look clean and be easy to maintain.

Step-by-Step Guide to a Spotless Kitchen More than just washing curtains and airing linens, spring cleaning can be done any time of year. In case to review a house’s contents and create an opportunity for decluttering. Kitchens are high-traffic areas and require regular cleaning to maintain hygienic food preparation surfaces. Begin a kitchen spring clean by completing daily and weekly jobs such as washing up and wiping down counters. Remove everything from the countertops to maximize clear space for sorting.

Many Foods Found in Most Homes Are Useful for Hangovers Most agree, though, that you might best forget aspirin as a hangover remedy. It’s sort of natural because it is extracted from willow bark. But it may also make an upset stomach more upset. There are gentler remedies that may help with your hangover, found in your own kitchen.

Simple Recipes for Making Your Own Balms, Scrubs, and Bath Salts   Your skin is your largest organ, and it’s a highly porous gateway to your bloodstream. If you think about it, why would you put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t eat? So many skincare products these days include lists of ingredients that are dauntingly long and unpronounceable and can be toxic or even poisonous if ingested. Part of the reason for this is that the shelf life of commercial products has to be extended by preservatives and

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