Internet Connected Devices for the Kitchen

Everybody loves time saving kitchen appliances, but sometimes a new product comes out and you wonder what the point is. In this article we take a look at some of the internet connected devices for the kitchen on the market today and let you decide if they fall in the good or why did they bother categories.

The Internet refrigerator

Internet connected fridges have been around for a little while now, but have broadly remained unchanged. They are mainly the large family size refrigerators and have a touch-pad screen on the front of the units. When you add or remove a product into the refrigerator, you need to adjust the amount on the front computer panel. If you are on your way from home and not sure if you have enough eggs for the evening meal, you can use your cell phone to log into your home network and see what you need to buy in your local store.

Prices for these refrigerators vary quite a lot but could cost around $15,000 easily, and also allows you to listen to MP3’s, make a video call and surf the web all while standing in front of the refrigerator.

The Internet oven

The wired society has also reached our ovens now, and we have the facility to log into our ovens and turn them on, alter the temperature or extend cooking times all remotely on our cell phone.

The Internet washing machine

The washing machine seems destined to be the next internet connected appliance. Currently these are not controllable directly from the internet, but do have the facility to download special wash programs for new clothes. It’s expected that further models will be added so that machines can be controlled remotely.

The Internet bathroom scales

Now you can share your weight with the world or you might want to disable that setting.

The scales allow your weight to be sent to a website for analysis to determine your Body Mass Index, lean mass weight and fat total. It also gives useful graphical information on how you are doing on a diet regime, and could give you encouragement to carry on.

There’s no doubt that the internet has become an essential part of our lives with email, surfing, internet TV or using the internet to call our family on the other side of the world. Our home appliances are also starting to catch up, and while some products may seem to be internet connected just for the sake of it, in the future we’ll be relying on this new breed of home appliance in ways we can’t imagine now.

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